So fellow Robinvaleites, here we go with Robinvale Quiz #1. There are no prizes – apart from the satisfaction of being right or learning something new! I’ll publish the correct answers about this time tomorrow, so gives you all time to come up with a result. (Hint: Most of the answers can be found on the local history website)
Q01. What is the date that Robinvale became a town?
Q02. What special event took place on that date?
Q03. By what name was Robinvale known prior to this?
Q04. What year did Soldier Settlement start in Robinvale?
Q05. After whom is Robinvale named?
Q06. After whom or what is Caix Square named?
Q07. What is so special about Robinvale’s French sister city, Villers-Bretonneux?
Q08. What is the name of the 1996 movie made in Robinvale?
Q09. What is ‘the Cut’?
Q10. What is ‘the Big Windmill?’
Good luck – stay tuned for tomorrow’s answers!