How did you go?  Hope you  had fun with this!

Q01. What is the date that Robinvale became a town?
Answer: October 23, 1924

Q02. What special event took place on that date?
Answer: The Land Sale – Robinvale Township A special train from Bendigo arrived at Robinvale – the first time the area had been given a name. One the train were the auctioneer, George Pethard and solicitors to prepare and sign contracts of sale. Residential lots were ¼ or ½ acres. 

Q03. By what name was Robinvale known prior to this?
Answer:  Bumbang

Q04. What year did Soldier Settlement start in Robinvale?
Answer:  1947

Q05. After whom is Robinvale named?
Answer:  George Robin Cuttle

Q06. After whom or what is Caix Square named?
Answer:  The village of Caix, near Villers-Brettoneux, over which Robin Cuttle died.

Q07. What is so special about Robinvale’s French sister city, Villers-Bretonneux?
Answer:  It was saved by the ANZACS in a terrible battle 24-25 April, 1918.

Q08. What is the name of the 1996 movie made in Robinvale?
Answer:  “Love Serenade”

Q09. What is ‘the Cut’?
Answer:  located in Victorian waters, forms Bumbang Island by linking two closely located points of the Murray River.

Q10. What is ‘the Big Windmill?’
Answer:   The windmill was originally owned by the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (SRWSC) and was used to supply water for the town of Robinvale. It is reportedly the largest windmill in the southern hemisphere. It was erected in 1948 and is built on a 60 foot (18.3 metres) stand and wheel is 30 foot (9.1 metres) in diameter.  

Hope you enjoyed the Quiz  – stay tuned forQuiz #02!

All information sourced here

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