“ROBINVALE 100 YEARS” – Centenary Committee – Update
The Robinvale Centenary Committee held their final meeting for 2023 on Sunday November 26, with five people attending and six apologies. Final plans are not yet “set in concrete” but Committee members feel they are making progress towards a weekend of suitable celebration for the entire community. It is anticipated that many people will return to Robinvale to join the locals in these celebrations over the weekend of October 26 and 27, 2024.
It is envisaged by Jack Dang, Committee Chairman, that local community organisations or businesses could, perhaps, hold a morning tea, lunch or dinner on any weekday during the week prior to the Centenary weekend for those who may arrive early. This will then lead into our weekend of celebration, where we all come together showcasing our community.
The weekend will commence with an appropriate “Welcome to Country” on Caix Square. A street parade is planned to travel down George Street, around Caix Square and back up along George Street. This route has been chosen as it will be less disruptive to traffic and will not impact Emergency Services, located on Bromley Road.
There will be Market Stalls along with entertainment and activities for the kids. It is hoped that Hot FM Community Radio will be in attendance to provide music and, maybe, interview some of the attendees. Committee members hope to hold an evening community barbeque and continue with entertainment; this is also to be confirmed.
Robinvale’s centenary celebration activities will continue on Sunday morning when Robinswood Homestead Association will host morning tea at the Homestead for those who cannot stay for a black bow tie Gala Dinner with special guest speakers, hosted by Robinvale Network House, another activity relying on support and confirmation.
The Rural Life Museum and the Euston Courthouse (home of the Euston/Robinvale Historical Society) will be open over the weekend, with opening times for both yet to be confirmed.
For all contributions or to obtain further advice regarding the Centenary weekend, please contact Committee Chairman, Jack Dang at – hello@robinvalecentenary.com.au,
or phone Network House on (03) 5026 4128 during business hours.