Plans for Robinvale’s Centenary Weekend are gaining momentum.

It is anticipated that Robinvale Golf Club’s Wednesday competition will be dedicated to
the Centenary, with exact details yet to be confirmed.

Robinvale Senior Citizens building, Robin Street, will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. Both Patchwork and Senior’s groups will have displays for viewing. Lunch will be available on Thursday, cost $10.00. Afternoon tea will be available on Friday and Saturday, entry and Devonshire Tea for both days, $2.00.

Re-printed copies of “Recipes from Robinvale” will be available to purchase from the Seniors building. This “Cookbook of favourite recipes submitted by Robinvale people” was originally sold out many years ago to raise much needed funds to build a Hostel for the elderly in Robinvale and, following many requests, will once again be available.

Robinvale College will conduct a one-off, fully-guided tour of the College, commencing at 10.00 a.m. on the Friday morning.

Members of the Rotary Club of Robinvale-Euston are hosting a barbeque lunch at “The Cliffs” on Friday, October 25, commencing at 12 noon. Numbers will be limited, so if you would like to attend this barbeque, please make sure to book beforehand. (‘Phone number to be provided in the next Press Release.)

The formal dinner, originally planned for Sunday night, has been brought forward to Friday night. This will be held at Robinvale Community Centre and will be a pre-booked, “ticket only” event. Numbers will be strictly limited so please keep your eyes open and ears alert for further details.

Formalities on Saturday morning will begin 9.00 a.m. After a short, formal, opening Ceremony, the Street Parade will commence. It is to be hoped that many local people are currently in full swing arranging their entries for the Parade.

The Committee is still hopeful that there will be a Fly Over happening at 12 noon. This is yet to be confirmed.

The Royal Flying Doctor Service ‘Flight Simulator’ will be in Riverside Park on Saturday. This will be something quite different for both adults and children to enjoy.

The Rural Life Museum will be open on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, actual times are yet to be confirmed. Entry to the Museum is $2.00 for adults.

The Euston Courthouse, home of the Euston/Robinvale Historical Society, will also be open on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, between 1.00 and 4.00 p.m., with afternoon tea available. Entry to the Courthouse is also $2.00 for adults.

On Saturday afternoon, Robinvale-Euston Football Netball Club will open their Clubrooms from around 2.30 p.m. (Exact time to be confirmed.) People will be able to relax, watch a local video or two on the big screen, check out the football photos displayed in the Rooms before the evening’s entertainment commences on the oval. Tea will be available, thanks to the Football Committee.

Robinvale Euston Rangers Cricket Clubrooms, at Riverside Park, will also be open for inspection on Saturday afternoon.

For those who may want to leave for home on Sunday morning, breakfast will be available from 7.00 a.m. at the Top End Café.

St Mary’s School will open at 8.00 a.m. for anyone wanting to check it out. Mass will be conducted at St Mary’s Church at 9.00 a.m.

Robinswood Homestead will be open from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon on Sunday, with morning tea available. Again, bookings are necessary and this ‘phone number will also be provided at a later date.

At 12.00 noon on Sunday, a Centenary Tree will be planted and a Time Capsule buried, in Bill McGinty Park.  The tree planting will be followed by a short, commemoration service at Memorial Park to recognise and remember all Robinvale pioneers.

The Centenary Committee is still waiting on confirmation from a number of organisations, particularly sporting groups, as to whether they will open their Clubrooms at some stage over the Centenary weekend and all details will be advised as soon as the Committee receives them.

See you all on October 26 and 27!

Robinvale Centenary Committee


One thought on ““ROBINVALE 100 YEARS” – Centenary Committee – June Press Release”
  1. Please let me know when tickets are available for Friday lunch at ‘The Cliffs” and for the dinner Friday night

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