Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wednesday 23rd Centenary Golf Competition:

Place: Robinvale Golf Club;
Event: Four Person Ambrose with Teams being made up on the day.
Entry Fee: $15.00 per person.
Start Time: 11.30 a.m.
Lunch: Sausage Sizzle.
The “19th Hole”: time for Nibbles, Fellowship and Presentations.
Invitation: to all Golfers and Non-Golfers, everyone is most welcome.
Registration: All participants are asked to please register as this will also assist with catering.
Contact: For Registration and details call Doug Aikman on 0428 502 611.

Thursday 24 October 2024

9.30 am – 2 pm  Rural Life Museum open, entry – $2.00
10 am Robinswood Homestead  open, includes partial display of Migration Memories exhibition.
10 am – 4 pm Senior Citizens & Patchwork Display: Robinvale Senior Citizens building, Robin Street.  Entry and light lunch $10.  Contact Donna Nolan 0408 886 817 and Jean Mumford 0439 047 363. Copies of “Recipes from Robinvale” will be available at Senior Citizens Centre for purchase at this event, cost $15.

Friday 25 October 2024

9 – 11 am St Mary’s School open for inspection.
10 am Robinvale College one off tour Robinvale College will conduct a one-off, fully-guided tour of the College, commencing at 10.00 am.
10am – 12pm Robinvale Library will extend its opening hours for this week only, from 10am to 12pm on Friday as part of the centenary celebrations and tour of Robinvale College. Call in to have a look at the special historical items on display in the library including maps and the 1924-25 rates book.
10 am – 4 pm Senior Citizens & Patchwork Display: Robinvale Senior Citizens building, Robin St. Afternoon tea will be available, entry and Devonshire Tea $5.00.   Copies of “Recipes from Robinvale” will be available at Senior Citizens Centre for purchase at this event, cost $15.

12 noon Rotary Club BBQ at “The Cliffs” $25

Bookings now closed.

5pm Community Centre Celebration Dinner $60

This is a pre-booked, ticket only event. Numbers are strictly limited.
Book here  Book Community Centre Celebration Dinner


 5.00 p.m. Drinks and Nibbles in the Foyer
6.00 p.m. Entertainment, featuring Cultural performances, in the Theatre
7.00 p.m. Buffet Dinner in the main Hall
Cost for this event is $60.00 per head. Bookings now closed.

Saturday 26 October 2024

9 am – 11.30am    Scenic Flights over Robinvale.  Bookings essential, directly through RAMAIR  Book my Tiger Moth flight
9 am Opening ceremony and Acknowledgement of Country in Caix Square.   Short speeches from local people.  Cutting of Centenary Cake.
10 am – 4 pm Senior Citizens & Patchwork Display: Robinvale Senior Citizens building, Robin St. Afternoon tea will be available, entry and Devonshire Tea $5.00.
Copies of “Recipes from Robinvale” will be available at Senior Citizens Centre for purchase at this event, cost $15. 
10.30 am Street Parade commences.  The parade will start from Leonora Street, north along George Street, around Caix Square,  then south to Leonora Street.
12 noon RAMAIR  fly-over Robinvale (Caix Square)
12 noon Continuation of Street Parade
if not completed before the flyover.
12 noon
 Royal Flying Doctor Service ‘Flight Simulator’ at Riverside Park, available for public viewing.

Book a Tiger Moth scenic flight over Robinvale!

Scenic flights to start from 9:00am Saturday 26th and pausing at 11:30am for a 12:00pm fly over the Robinvale Centenary. The scenic flight bookings will then recommence at 1:00pm through until 4:30pm. The aircraft will need to leave Robinvale no later then 5:00pm.

The Tiger Moth flights will be 20 minutes around Robinvale at $220. There is also a maximum weight restriction of 110 kg for all passengers.

Book your Tiger Moth flight here:  Book my Tiger Moth flight

  • 1 – 4:30 pm RAMAIR scenic flights recommence. The aircraft will need to leave Robinvale no later then 5:00pm.
  • 1 – 4 pm Euston Courthouse, home of Euston/Robinvale Historical Society open with afternoon tea available. Entry to the Courthouse is $2.00 for adults
  • 2.30 pm Robinvale Euston Rangers Cricket Clubrooms, at Riverside Park, open to view cricket memorabilia.
  • 2.30 pm Robinvale-Euston Football Netball Club Clubrooms open for visits and drinks.  Relax, watch a local video or two on the big screen, check out the football photo display.
  • 4 pm Evening’s entertainment commences on the Robinvale-Euston Football Netball Club’s John James oval, featuring some of our past and present local artists.

    Headed up by Sara Storer (winner of 22 Golden Guitars) and supported by Greg Storer, Don Costa, Jett Charman and Thea McLaughlin.

  • Bar facilities will be open at the Clubrooms, so please NO BYO ALCOHOL!
  • Food stalls and food vans will be on site to provide evening meals.
  • It would also be advisable to bring your own chairs for the night

This is going to a fantastic night of FREE entertainment – not to be missed!  For any queries regarding the entertainment line up or other details about catering and facilities available at the Clubrooms and on the John James oval, please contact Committee Member Trevor Jury on 0400 850 772

Sunday 27 October 2024

7 am Breakfast will be available from the Top End Café.
9 am Mass at St Mary’s Church will put on a Centenary Celebration Service and welcomes all faiths
10 am
Church Service – St. Peter’s Anglican Church.

10 am – 12 noon Robinswood Morning Tea $8.50

10 am – 12 noon Robinswood Homestead open with morning tea available.  Bookings now closed.

12 noon A Centenary Tree will be planted and a Time Capsule buried, in Bill McGinty Park.  The tree planting will be followed by a short, commemoration service at Memorial Park to recognise and remember all Robinvale pioneers.
12.30 pm Robinvale Euston Memorial Park, short Commemorative Service, to acknowledge all Robinvale pioneers.  Piper to play
1 – 4 pm Euston Courthouse, home of Euston/Robinvale Historical Society, open. Afternoon tea available. Entry to the Courthouse is $2.00 for adults

  1. Previously there were tours available through my old school at St Mary’s on the Sunday but cannot see them on the list now. Have those tours been cancelled

    1. The tour time of St Mary’s School has been changed to 9-11 am Friday 25th October. There will be an all faiths service at St Mary’s Church at 9am on Sunday 27th. Thanks for your query!

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